Sunday, March 21, 2010

itchy itchy itchy

And you know what sucks about that? I'm numb! Can't scratch. It's like a rubber tire between my fingers and the itch. Oh well, better than pain. I am actually feeling NO PAIN. Definitely not enough downtime. I'm trying to milk it, but I'm just not that good an actress. My Mother in law says she feels a relapse coming on tomorrow, she may be right :)

I am taking tomorrow off even though I feel perfectly capable of working. Kids are going to school, husband is going to work, and I get to catch up on things that have been neglected. Things like the 2 foot high pile of papers that need to be filed. I also have the irresistable urge to PURGE (don't tell the fam). Looking forward to tomorrow in every way. I'll get a taste of being a stay at home mom with kids who go to school! Unfortunately, that will never be a reality for me, so I'll take tomorrow and relish every productive and healing moment.

1 comment:

  1. The itchy DRIVES ME NUTS. I still have it. The itch that cannot be scratched!! Argh.
    I'm glad you're taking tomorrow off and I hope it lovely.
    I wished the recovery time was a wee bit longer. Just after everything we've been through.

    I wonder if silicone are softer than saline? I still feel like mine are hard but I've had friends feel me up and assure me they're soft. HA.

    I'll keep you fully posted on the nipple business. I'm nervous they're going to be super nippley and not allow me to go braless.
