Saturday, January 2, 2010

I'm back!

And it feels sooo good. I met some girlfriends for a run this morning. 7:30am, 26 degrees on a snow covered trail and I made it 3 miles! I was even out in front most of the time. OK, it helps that one girl has an injured knee and the other is 7 months pregnant. I hadn't planned on running that much, more like a walk with some running, but since we kept it very slow, I made it and it was easy. I have hope that I can get it back, that it wasn't all lost. I'll try for 4 next weekend and take Fletcher on some 2 milers this week.

I also have Mondor's Cords. I was freaked out by the look of them and googled for over an hour to find my answer. Two of mine travel all the way down the front of my ribs before they dissappear in my belly. Ick. Not a big deal and not especially sore so just hoping they go away without giving me a problem.

I've had a great start to 2010.

Life is good.


  1. Congratulations! Wow, when you decide to go, you really go! I knew you would, you're marathon material and that's no whimpy stuff. Keep up the great work and attitude.

  2. RunnerGirl is back! I'm glad you have that success to balance out the suckiness of those stupid Mondor's Cords. (worst name ever)
