Thursday, September 9, 2010

backward progress

So, after a relatively easy day yesterday, I neglected to remember that it gets worse. It gets worse after all the crap they pump into you during surgery wears off. I woke at 5:30am with pains that I couldn't re-adjust myself out of. sucks. Now I sit here dizzy trying to get kids ready for school. Back to bed as soon as they're gone.

Unveiling today at 3:00. They definitely seem smaller, and higher. I think I'm going to like them. Hell, it doesn't matter if I do. I'm sticking with it and totally trust Dr. B.

Hoping things get better again tomorrow. Taking it day by day as far as what I'm able to do.

1 comment:

  1. You're handling it all so well! It sucks that you have to go through it but it will all be easier soon. Hang in there!
