Monday, December 21, 2009

Can I just say.....

that sleeping is a bitch. I'm really good during the day, but as soon as I lay down, I feel the pressure and don't even get me started with the trying to roll on my side pain. It feels like commercial grade staples are keeping these damn expanders in place and they are getting pulled and ripped at when I roll over. The other night Corey stole the covers and they scraped across my chest and pulled my breasts with it and I screamed out in pain.

Just had to vent! Otherwise, things are great. Lost a couple of pounds after religiously counting my calories the last couple of days.


  1. oh my little friend! Sleeping gets better. Not great, but better. I can sleep on my stomach now which is more comfortable. I am officially over these expanders though. They are bulky and weird. Commercial grade staples is a great way of explaining it. Oy.

  2. Sleeping still sucks for me too. I hate to go to bed so I stay up late. Then I take forever to try to find a position that will let me sleep. Then I get crappy sleep usually waking up a couple of times. Then in the morning, I can't get up at a decent hour. When I do get up, it hurts. Not for long, though. I'm doing fairly well during the day. Well, whenever my pecs aren't doing the spasm dance. Actually, I handle that okay too, it's just annoying.

  3. Kelly, I get the pec spasms too. It's so weird and out of control if I stretch or have a chill or something.
