Monday, December 28, 2009


I've been doing a lot of activity lately, just normal stuff but I'm sore. I didn't know it would cause so much stiffness. Under my expanders, around my ribs and under my arms. Weird. I did some Wii fit with the kids and have been hiking or walking with Fletcher. Sleeping still sucks and I just want to cry when I roll over. Still not a big deal, relatively speaking. Just noting. I wonder if the muscle soreness is something akin to regular muscle soreness when you start working out? Rather than muscle soreness because I'm recovering from surgery? I think the former, but it's different because it's sore in a different place than usual? I guess it's muscles that are used in a normal life, and are not used to being out of commission. Oh well.

Looking forward to 2010, my real new beginning and totally jealous (and happy for) E and her upcoming real implants! She's going to be hot (well, hotter)!

1 comment:

  1. 2010 is our year, girl. I would like for it to be blissfully uneventful.
    I'm sorry about the expanders. Total pain in the ass. Mine still do hurt daily in random places. You just keep going, right? Someone said to me recently, when I mentioned my upcoming surgery, "Wow, that 3 months went by fast!" Um...for who? (actually it kind of did though...the holidays helped...distraction)
