Monday, November 23, 2009

drains gone, but no shower

Just a quick blog today. I'm sitting in bed (not cause I have to, cause I want to) with my laptop-my new favorite possession- listening to my ipod and catching up on some stuff. Kids are at school and Corey is coming back to work from home. What a heavenly day. Sun is shining and I've even got the window open for some freshness.

Drains came out today! I told my husband they'd have to commit me if they didn't. 10 days. Not bad. When he pulled them out, it was the weirdest sensation, like they had them tied around my ribs and under my heart, between my lungs... just weird. No shower until tomorrow which was an unexpected bummer. Still feeling good.

Unfortunately, as I sit here eating my 5th oatmeal chocolate chip cookie, I realize that the calorie counting must resume. This was such a part of my daily ritual and although it's been nice, the eat whatever/whenever has to stop. I was kinda hoping that having been through this, I'd have this renewed, undeniable desire to eat healthy, like really healthy. I had visions of making spinach smoothies, having fresh cut vegetables ready to eat in the fridge, taking my vitamins, setting a good example for my kids. You know, instead of the "why do youget to have ice cream before dinner?". This healthy me has not shown up. She's been replaced by Cocoa Krispie eating, barely drinking water, Halloween candy just because Beth. She's always been there but has somehow taken over, like she feels entitled. Geez, doesn't having major surgery allow such gluttony? No. It doesn't. I will have to give the better lifestyle a healthy kick and get going. Tomorrow.

By the way, my breasts look really f'd up. And you know what? I don't care :)

1 comment:

  1. SOOOO glad the drains are out! Too bad about the shower. I wonder why?

    You are handling this like a CHAMP!
    Truly inspirational.

    BTW- you are a wonderful example for your kids, ice cream before dinner and all. :)
