Wednesday, November 18, 2009

one week out and much much better

Woke up today with my little girl in my bed holding my hand. Great way to start the day. Then, she and my husband pulled me up to sitting position and I got out of bed. I actually hurt much much less than yesterday. I almost felt good! I washed my hair in the shower cap thing again, brushed my teeth and took my meds. I helped get the kids out the door. This is the longest I've been out of bed! It feels great. Even made it to the bus stop. Everyone was like "You look so great". Well, that's sweet, but we all know I look like crap. Unimportant though.

Learned today why they say do not lift your arms above your shoulder level. I shaved my pits. Just couldn't take it any longer. Wow, it didn't hurt during, but after, I paid. I strongly suggest you don't try this at home :)

Today is a big day. I'm going to park my butt on the couch instead of my bed. I have the urge to de-clutter but know I shouldn't overdo. I don't want to mess with this gift of feeling better. Emotionally, I'm still ok. Flat chested with gauze bandages. I really don't give a hoot. They are numb, which is incredibly weird. I hope over time I'll get some feeling back.

Off to watch trashy TV.

1 comment:

  1. Great news that the morning was a good one! Sounds like you're on the mend. Thanks for the warning about the pitts, too. LOL!
