Friday, November 27, 2009

Hey! Wait! I've got a new complaint.

As if I haven't complained enough. This seroma nonsense is really pissing me off. I am ready to feel better, to turn the corner. I felt so fortunate to feel great one week post surgery. As I sit here, I can feel my camisole getting tighter. Time for pj's, at 5pm. I have decided to stop helping at all around the house, just in case that has anything to do with it. Corey is doing a bang up job and has really stepped it up. He has even decided that going forward, he'll be in charge on laundry. Whoo Hoo! Well, at least up until the putting away part, but I can handle that. Surprisingly, he is a much better folder than I.

As long as this seroma doesn't get huge or painful, as long as it doesn't turn into lymphedema, I'll be ok. Whiny, but ok. I wonder how Corey has the mental strength to put up with this bullshit. I know I wasn't nearly this nice to him when he broke his knee (sorry!)

I ate 2 cookies and many brownies. Helped a little. I want to take percocet, not cause of the pain, cause it will make me not care about this stupid swelling. But I will not. I do not want to go to bed at 7pm. I want to see my family tonight. I need to just suck it up, this may be around awhile.

On the thankful side, I am thankful for my husband and his endless positive attitude no matter what I throw at him be it physical grossness, constant complaining, crazy crying fits, etc. Thankful for the love of my children and their understanding of what is going on. Thankful for my incredible friends and neighbors. The generosity is overwhelming. Thankful for my Plastic Surgeon who answers his cell phone on a holiday. Thankful for all the little happy things I have in life. I have nothing to complain about... really.

Oh, and also, that 6 pounds, turned out to be less than 1. Go figure. I know I'm much softer, but that's ok, just didn't want to turn into a fatty because of cancer. Cancer and the mastectomy are punishment enough.

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