Monday, November 30, 2009

percocet and a bath

This thing is hard enough without denying myself some comfort. I decided that going without pain meds is nothing to be proud of, you know? If it hurts, it hurts, and I deserve not to feel it. There will be a day when it doesn't, but until then...

Last night I took 1/2 a percocet then had a bath with candles and music (thanks Corey), then another 1/2. Much better. I am obviously not my mother's child, who did this without pain killers.

Sitting in bed working. Much better than the office. Things will get better in their own time. Nothing I can do to speed it up, as hard as it is to slow down.

1 comment:

  1. Couldn't have said it better myself.

    You're doing SO well! And like I said, there is no cash prize or reward for going without pain pills.

